AdWords Workshop This Weekend!

I received an email this morning from the AdWords workshop head, Simon, asking if I could do an hour long presentation about SEO, Copywriting and AdWords and how they all relate to each other. Of course I was honored and said, “YES!!!”

I’ve been a busy bee putting together a PPT presentation which I will be running through the next two days to make it perfect or close to perfect. Then he said if it goes well, they are recording it and then we can develop it into a product!

Will keep everyone informed of how it goes and of any new developments. SOOO Excited!!!

My First AdWords Workshop

Since I was accepted into Simon Leung’s apprentice program, I have been waiting to be assigned a project to work on. I received an email Sunday night about starting to do some copywriting for one of his newest ideas and then yesterday, received an IM from Simon inviting me to his AdWords workshop.
After a whole minute of thought, I was on the phone booking my flight and hotel room to San Jose, Cali. I have been studying on my own about AdSense and AdWords but it is different attending a 3-day workshop from one of the Google Masters!

The workshop is November 9 – 11 and I will be flying up on November 8 and returning Sunday evening. Now all I have to do is get that song out of my head, “lalalallala on my way to San Jose dahdahdaaaa.”

(I don’t even know the words but the tune has not left my brain yet.)